Invisalign Results

Discover the power of an Invisalign smile

Invisalign’s popularity is most likely down to the treatment’s discretion and convenience. Being able to remove the trays before eating, drinking and playing sport eradicates the complications having a brace used to involve, but what about results? Are Invisalign clear aligners as effective as traditional braces?

The simple answer is yes for the majority of patients, bearing in mind a few considerations. Because Invisalign trays are removable, the effectiveness of the treatment relies on the patient being disciplined. The clear aligners are designed to be in the mouth for 20-22 hours a day.

Invisalign can even address every type of bite issue – cross, open, under and over bites – but for the most serious cases surgery may also be required. Ask Dr A Bechar at your consultation.

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Crowding Teeth are overlapping

A crowded smile is one where the teeth don’t have enough room to align properly, and are forced into too tight a space, resulting in overlapping teeth and enclosed areas of gum that are hard to keep clean. Invisalign clear aligners apply pressure to the teeth and jaws, moving everything into alignment for an even smile.

Close up of crooked teeth in mouth
Close up photo of straightened teeth after procedure
Close up image of crooked teeth
Close up of mouth opened with brace behind straightening teeth

Deep bite / Overbite Upper teeth project over the lower teeth

When the upper teeth project over the lower teeth, this is called an overbite, more exaggerated cases of which are called a deep bite. Invisalign trays apply pressure to the teeth and jaws, shifting them into their correct position over time. The most extreme cases of an overbite may require surgery.

Picture 7
Close up of straightened teeth showing success of treatment offered
Close up of mouth opened with teeth closed displaying overbite
Close up of mouth opened and teeth displayed and straightened after Invisalign treatment

Open bite Upper and lower teeth don’t fully meet

When the upper and lower rows of teeth don’t meet when the jaws are fully closed, this is called an open bite. The rear teeth might connect properly, but the teeth at the front of the mouth don’t. Invisalign braces can treat an open bite, but the most extreme cases may require surgery.

Picture 13
Close up of open bite after Invisalign treatment showing straightened teeth
Close up of opened teeth before Invisalign treatment
Close up of whitened bite of teeth after Invisalign treatment displaying straight teeth

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“A great dentist who is friendly and reassuring, especially with children. Have been visiting for years and never had a problem. All the staff are always approachable and professional. Def recommend.”

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