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What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a popular solution for replacing single or multiple missing teeth. They are long lasting, discrete and durable false teeth designed to look and feel just like your natural ones. In today’s post we will be discussing our dental implant treatment and the benefits that come with it.

What are dental implants?

Tooth implants are made up of two parts: a titanium screw placed into your jaw that eventually fuses with the bone underneath, and the false tooth fitted on the top. This replacement tooth is designed to match your natural teeth, so once it’s fitted you won’t even notice it’s there. The whole process takes a few months to complete, but provided they are taken care of, they can last upwards of 20 years, making them a long-term solution for missing teeth.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

There are many great benefits of dental implants. Firstly, they are a great way to replace gaps in your teeth, which can be potentially dangerous if left untreated. Gaps in your teeth can make the bone in the jaw weaken and deteriorate, causing the face to sag. Luckily, having dental implants prevents this from happening, and retains the structure of your face. Some people with missing teeth may also feel self-conscious and will try to hide their smile in public, so not only can dental implants keep your mouth healthy, but they can also make you feel more confident!

The implants also blend right in with your natural teeth and nobody will be able to tell that it’s a false tooth. They require no special care, so you can just brush and floss as you normally would. While you should be able to eat all of your regular foods once your implant has healed, we would recommend you take care when eating anything hard and crunchy to minimise the risk of damage.

Are dental implants suitable for me?

If you have one or multiple missing teeth, then dental implants may be a suitable option for you. A minor operation is needed to fit the titanium root, which is usually carried out with a local anesthetic, so the procedure should be relatively painless. If you are a particularly nervous patient, sedation may also be an option for you.

If you have many or a full set of missing teeth, implants can also be used to fix a denture in place, so you can once again enjoy a full set of teeth without worrying about them moving or falling out.

You can visit our dental implants page for more information about the treatment, or you can get in touch with our team in Milton Keynes to book your appointment today.

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